Birmingham 11 Plus Mock Exams (Updated Schedule)

Please see below our updated Birmingham 11 Plus Mock Exam and Mock Exam Review Schedule. Please disregard the original schedule, as we have made some alterations to Mock Exam Review Dates/Times, to ensure that we are able to provide all of our exams and reviews before the real 11 Plus Exams in September 2020.

11 Plus Mock Exam Dates


Time: 9am-11:15am for each date

Mock Exam 2 (Rescheduled Date) – 28th June 2020

Mock Exam 6 – 5th July 2020

Mock Exam 3 (Rescheduled Date) – 12th July 2020

Mock Exam 7 – 9th August 2020

Mock Exam 8 – 16th August 2020

Mock Exam 9 – 23rd August 2020

Mock Exam 10 – 30th August 2020

Mock Exam 4 (Rescheduled Date) – 6th September 2020


11 Plus Mock Exam Review Dates


Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm for each date

Mock Exam 2 Review (Rescheduled Date) – 4th July 2020

Mock Exam 6 Review – 11th July 2020

Mock Exam 3 Review (Rescheduled Date) – 18th July 2020

Mock Exam 7 Review – 15th August 2020

Mock Exam 8 Review – 22nd August 2020

Mock Exam 9 Review – 29th August 2020

Mock Exam 10 Review – 5th September 2020

Mock Exam 4 Review – No Review